Loggerhead Turtle Ocean Figurine by Safari Ltd 3yrs+
Endemic to oceans all around the world, the loggerhead sea turtle is the world’s largest hard shelled turtle. On average, they weigh around 300 pounds and are 3 feet long. However, specimens that weigh over 1,000 pounds and measure over 9 feet long have been recorded.
- Scientific Name: Caretta caretta
- Characteristics: Despite their size, loggerheads are very docile aren’t bothered by humans swimming alongside them. Go on your own deep sea adventure with this individually hand painted and life-like loggerhead turtle figurine!
- Size and Color: Standing 3.75 inches long and 3.5 inches wide, both dimensions of this figure are roughly equal to the length of a deck of cards. Loggerhead turtles have brownish-yellow skin, and the color of their shell ranges from light brown to red.
- The Loggerhead Turtle is part of the Wild Safari® Sea Life collection.
- All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free.
While many sea turtle species primarily eat vegetation, loggerheads are omnivorous and will eat jellyfish, crabs, and fish alongside seaweed and other ocean plants. While they are the most populated marine turtle species in North American waters, their population is declining due to pollution, shrimp trawling, deep ocean nets, and a general loss of their natural habitat. The loggerhead is currently designated as vulnerable by the IUCN.
- Recommended Age: 3+
- Size in cm: 9.19 L x 9.30 W x 3 H
- Size in inches: 3.62 L x 3.66 W x 1.18 H