Stockmar Watercolour Individual Replacement Colours Stationary Art and craft for kids 3yrs+
Make your paint set last longer - both an economical and environmental winner!
01 Carmine Red
02 Vermillion
04 Golden Yellow
05 Lemon Yellow
08 Blue Green
10 Ultramarine
12 Purple
13 Rust
15 Black
18 Prussian Blue
33 Light Orange
36 Sap Green
Replacement colours for the Stockmar Watercolour Paint Tin of 12 Opaque Colours. Each of the 12 colours is available to order individually.
STOCKMAR opaque paints are available as an assortment of 12 opaque colours, opaque white, a paintbrush and a mixing palette, or as individual replacement colour wells. These individual wells can be used to replenish your set of 12 colours - good for the environment, and good for you. You will also find the Stockmar Opaque Watercolour set in the Stockmar Painting and Drawing Set.
STOCKMAR opaque watercolour paint is highly versatile: from opaque painting with rich colour planes to precise work with a fine paintbrush, from glazing with several layers of colour through to delicate watercolour painting.
The Stockmar colours are delicately balanced with one another and when mixed will yield harmonious shades of colours. Like all the products in the Stockmar range, the Opaque colours have a unique luminosity. This is due to the intensity and high concentration of colour pigments in our Opaque colours. As a result, the colours are richer and remain powerful even when heavily diluted.
The accessories are available separately, as well as being included in our “painting and drawing” gift sets, which consist of coloured pencils sets, an opaque colour box and a drawing pad.
Opaque paints differ from non-opaque watercolours. Opaque, meaning 'dark' and 'not transparent', by its nature, does not let any light pass through. A paint that is opaque gives a solid colour. Generally black and white paint are always opaque and any colour mixed with them will become more opaque. Adding the Stockmar Opaque White to the opaque colours will increase the opaqueness of the colours.
For a transparent painting experience, where layers of different colours can be built on top of each, letting the light through each layer, we recommend the Stockmar Aquarelle Watercolour Paints. The Stockmar Aquarelle Watercolours are the paints used for wet-on-wet painting and veil painting.