Pocket Money Board Game 1 Spend or Save Learn Exchange Equivalent by Knowledge Builder Math STEM Range Best Seller 5yrs+
Pocket Money is a fun game that teaches children important concepts about money. It provides them with opportunities to use coins & notes to purchase items and give change. It introduces the concept that money is earned and exchanged for goods. GOAL is to be the first to win $50.00.
The Pocket Money Game provides opportunities for students to:
- Recognise the unique features of the different Australian coins and notes
- Count coins of the same denomination and also mixed coins and notes
- Use appropriate coins or notes to purchase items
- Collect and exchange equivalent amounts of money
While students move around over the board, they will have opportunities to either purchase items, or earn money by doing chores or by recycling goods.
– 1 Board Game (502 x 502)
– 70 Coins
– 12 x $5 Notes & 12 x $10 Notes
– 4 Tokens
– 1 Six-sided Dot Die
– Teaching Suggestions