Tube of 12 Prehistoric Life Montessori Language Learning Figurines by Safari Ltd Toob Range Dinosaur toy 3yrs+
- 12 pieces per TOOB®. Contents Cannot Be Purchased Individually.
- Before we had roads, cars and billions of people around the world, the world had cave dwellers and ice age giants. This set includes a mixture of early humans, giant prehistoric mammals, and other features of the prehistoric landscape.
- Characteristics: This set contains 12 pieces, including a caveman, cavewoman and child, fire and roasting meat, pine tree, volcano, woolly mammoth, Andrewsarchus, Doedicurus, Arsinotherium, Macrauchenia, Smilodon, and a giant sloth.
- Size and Color: Each TOOB® is 1.5 inches wide and 12.8 inches tall. The figures within range from 1.25 to 3.75 inches in length. This set features mostly shades of brown with splashes of orange red for the fire and lava, and green for the pine tree.
- The Prehistoric Life TOOB® is part of the TOOBS® collection
- All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free