Sound Swap Word Game with Book Early Literacy Phonics 3yrs+
An interactive activity focused on sound and letter manipulation in words for reading and spelling.
Sound Swap Word Game focuses on phonemic awareness and phonics skills to teach the sounds of the English alphabetic code for reading and spelling. Children use the 49 Sound Swap letter/sound cards to spell 100s of words.
To play Sound Swap, children change one letter/sound card in a word to make a new word in the chain. From Stage 5 the word chains also involve addition and deletion of letter/sound cards to make new words (advanced phonemic awareness skills). The game can be played in two different ways to vary the focus.
This pack contains everything you need to pick up and play Sound Swap, including a box of 49 letter/sound cards, 3-word building boards and a book of pre-prepared word chains to use. Each letter/sound card is colour coded to match Little Learners Love Literacy® Stages 1-7 making it simple to target your teaching.
Sound Swap Word Game:
- Uses a multi-sensory approach as children physically touch and move cards to make words
- Makes the connection between spelling and reading explicit
- Teaches and practises a range of phonemic awareness skills
- Builds children’s spelling confidence without the cognitive load of handwriting.
- Simple and fun to use in the classroom or at home.
Available as a single copy or a value pack of 6 (six games for the price of five - ideal for working in a small group).